
Data Collection

Page history last edited by Michelle Murrain 15 years, 4 months ago

sms. you are limited to the input amount, but sms can be a really good monitoring tool. Within sms you have: Frontline Sms free, used by ngos and it does collect sms and posts them to a website html page.

RapidSMS is Django based and allows you to write web applications and allows for more customization and more scalability. There's Canal, php applications, Gamu, different libraries that allow different platforms to speak SMS. Pygsm, development C who developed a Drupal solution.

J2ME applications and open source community around Java, Java Rosa, that allows you to create X forms that you can fill out with data.

Clickatell and BulkSms. Local gateways with local relationships so it can blast sms. \

SMS reception center is another alternative that is highly customizable and flexible but it's 60$.

ODK, Android, iPhone apps, Episurveyer… Open Rosa.

Ushaidi means testimony : service that aggregates different reports and charts them and visually displays. Uses sms, twitter and other different types of data types. Used a lot to track through citizen journalists violence events, elections and other situations where there high control of media.

For most solutions you need data transfers while some are only SMS. Voice applications also for data collection via voicemail. USSD sessions with clients, as another way of transferring data without having to train anyone, but you are tied to providers and operators for that.

SMS ---- J2ME ---- MMS ---- Mobile Web ---- Android --- iPhone = options.

Mobile Active website.

CVC - donations, fundraising, out of the box

David talks about their Android app running MySQL database, stores data locally and then you can stream it 2 ways. Then it comes with a web app that collects and displays all the data.

Looking at pathogens in cattle in certain areas. Collects images, data, location and characteristics. Running on Ajax. EpiCollect Server, releasing open source generic solution in 3 to 4 weeks.

Drag and drop form, coded in Python, produces an Xml form for iPhone or a form for Android. Platform to do data collection. Focus is genetic epidemiology.

Operators in Africa have access to a lot of geo location information, but there is still a lot of permission issues.

Locate is a company that double opting service that when you reply to with a yes then it allows to locate the person's handheld and get gps coordinates.

Are there any emerging data syntax or standards?

Xforms although not applicable for all handheld.

The issue is there's a lot of people who are doing the same things all over the place. Lots of emerging services and some will be open some service based.

Swift, how do you analyze on the back end group and sort through text base information that is collected.

USSD can transfers more data but it does come to a more expensive solution than text messages.

Celtec in Russia used USSD for a project. or in Haiti is used to transfer minutes from one handheld to another.

eMPesa using cellphones and sms as a new ATM and banking system.

Zap allows you to buy a chip and then travels to other roaming countries in Africa and transfer money or have the same area code of your relatives or other people.

Or you can exchange calling cards for cash. Also mobile forms of payment will be able to automate a lot of the payment processes from government employees, to health care workers and other employees.

Toll free is the preferred solution.

Premium Sms into radio stations, newspapers to voice people's opinions.

Mixit in south africa is a data plan, chatting, instant messaging service. Mixit manages to convince vodafone to allow it but after the experience wont be available anywhere else.


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