Welcome to M4Change, Nairobi!
June 27th 2009
Thank you everyone for coming to the inaugural M4change event in Kenya!
Brief notes from the sessions. RTF file, and mind map.
Jeff Gasana's presentation. This was wildly popular!
Pictures (sorry they are numerous @wanyama did a wonderful job of capturing the event, so I uploaded all the pics)
Live blog by @edobie
Poem 'Digital Hearts' performed live by @kenyanpoet
Post with notes on mbanking session by @Bankelele
Thoughts on M4Change by @rombokins
Attendee's twitter handles
Strathmore University. Map for directions: Strathmore_Map.pdf
10 am Welcome and ground rules, goals and expectations
10:30 Morning plenary
11:15 First set of breakout sessions
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Speed Geeks and Application Demos
2:15 Second set of breakout sessions
3:30 Third set of breakout sessions
4:30 Wrap-up/closing plenary
5:00 Adjourn and party with 'Just A Band' with some cool music and cocktails.
If you are curious about how exactly breakout sessions are organized, take a look at these pictures from recent Washsington DC, San Francisco, and New York City camps to catch a glimpse!
For Participants:
Mobile Tech 4 Social Change camps are entirely participant-driven. You run and participate in sessions, showcase your mobile apps, inquire, discuss, and engage. There are no tourists at Mobile Tech 4 Social Change camps!
- If you have apps you'd like to showcase, please bring them -- we have spaces for hands-on demos of applications.
- There will also be interactive workshops, discussion groups, and lots of ideas and interactions with a passionate and knowledgeable community of you all. If you want to discuss a topic, you will have the chance to do so, so please be prepared.
- If you are interested in leading a discussion or workshop, here is what we ask: Have a short introduction prepared of the topic you are interested, as well as two or three key questions you want to explore in the conversation with your fellow campers in that session. You do not have to be an expert in the topic you are curious about -- sessions can be exploratory with your questions and ideas rather than a polished presentation!
- We do not have free wifi but if you'd like to blog about the event, please find Juliana and Jessica to give you wireless login info. We only have 4 passes for this. If you are a blogger, let us know!
Suggestions for sessions
- Localized mobile applications in Kenya/ East Africa
- Mobile banking
- M-Health
- Circumvention techniques (e.g Bluetooth Stumbling - led by Tonee Ndungu)
The Mobile Tech 4 Social Change Camp Nairobi will be in English (Sheng and Swahili is allowed in moderation :)
- Jessica Colaco at Strathmore University @jessicacolaco
- Juliana Rotich @afromusing
- Katrin Verclas @katrinskaya and @mobileactive
The tag for Mobile Tech 4 Social Change Nairobi for all social media is m4change
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